
S1E9 - Small Multiples (Facets)

For all the movie-lovers out there, we shall utilise facets to better identify which trilogy movie is best based on IMDB ratings. 🕊️🧙🏼‍♂️✨

S1E9 - Small Multiples (Facets)

Styling Marks

💌 PBIX file available at the end of the article 1 Enjoy!


In the meantime, you can read the original Medium article here

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  En Fin, Serafin

Thank you for staying to the end of the article… I hope you find it useful 😊. See you soon, and remember… #StayQueryous!🧙‍♂️🪄

  PBIX 💾

🔗 Repo: Github Repo PBIX Treasure Trove

"Buy Me A Coffee"

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